0️⃣ What is the Lead Quality Rating?

Your Users have the option to rate the quality of a lead after meeting with them. This tells you how good a fit they are for your Meeting Types, and helps you gauge the effectiveness of your Profiling forms by letting you know if they are filtering out unqualified leads. After verifying the lead attended their scheduled Meeting, they will receive the following message via WhatsApp:

Users can respond with the star rating they consider adequate for the lead in terms of their probability to convert.

For more information on setting up the lead rating message, read our article about WhatsApp Notifications for Users here.

WhatsApp Notification.

WhatsApp Notification.

<aside> 💡 Something you should know As this notification is a follow-up question to another one: "Attendance Record"; the Attendance Record notification must be switched ON to allow you to activate the Lead Quality.


1️⃣ Finding the Rating in the Customer's Profile

If your User responded to the Lead rating message, the resulting score should be available to view in that lead's profile in your Customers page.

Step 1: Getting to the customer's profile

  1. Head over to your Customers page.
  2. Find the Customer whose rating you want to see on the left-side navigation.
  3. If you don’t immediately find them, and you have a large customer base, it might be easier to search for their name using the search bar.


Step 2: Viewing the rating for their Meetings

Under each past Meeting, you will find the star rating that the assigned User gave in the Lead quality message.


<aside> 💡 Something you should know This rating label will only appear if the Customer has responded to the Attendance Record and Lead Quality notifications that are sent near the end of the Meeting. If you can't find it, this can be because Lead quality isn't active for this Meeting Type, the User didn't respond to the WhatsApp message, or the Meeting hasn't happened yet.
