0️⃣ What Is My Profiling Performance?
Lineup gives you the possibility to view how your profiling forms are performing, both individually and in comparison to each other. This information is organized in graphs so that you can understand it easily.
1️⃣ How Can I See All of My Forms’ Statistics?
Step 1: Go to your Profiling page.
- Click on the Profiling Forms tab on the secondary menu.
- Select overview, there you will see all your profiling forms’ performance by different metrics.
Step 2: Change the time frame
- You can change your time span to three-month, six-month, and twelve-month intervals. You can also change it to a custom interval by clicking on the rightmost button with the Calendar icon.
- These settings will allow you to change the time frame of the data so that you can compare your forms more thoroughly.
2️⃣ How Can I See the Statistics of a Specific Form?
When you look at the statistics of a specific form, you can compare its performance in time, where visits to this form are coming from (learn more about this in the How to Create UTMs page), and what endings your Customers are reaching.
Step 1: Go to your Profiling Forms page.
- On the left side panel, select the form whose stats you want to see.
- Click on the Stats tab on the top menu to view its data.
- You’ll be able to view the compiled data of this form’s responses, sources, and endings, in easily readable charts.